Provocation is a Cheap Thrill

My personal ranting space and shameless self promotion page.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Cheap Thriller Under Major Revamping

Some of my visitors have noticed no changes have been made to the shop, lately. The truth is a lot of action as been going on, behind the scenes. I've been rethinking the shop and redefining its goals. I'm very exited, to tell that key changes are on the agenda and a whole new exiting line of products is on the way.
I will announce my "Reopening" when the time comes, and all are invited.

The designs available on the sight will remain there, only until the reopening, so get them while they're still accessible.

Thanks for the support,
Tali Shapiro
Creator, Cheap Thriller

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Pinch About Me

Other than drawing prints for CHEAP THRILLER, one of my (trillion) hobbies, is designing and making my own clothes. Such as this little precious item:

Snow Queen Cape

And now, as though someone has been reading my mind, I have stumbled upon a clothes blog!
The man reading my mind is Kevin (shown below), a fashionably challenged, yet lovable character.

The site allows you to post your clothes and outfits, and for the style-disabled, you may ask others to help you dress, or assist others-less fortunate than you.
So, if you love your wardrobe and want to show it, click on Kevin or the adorable model in the cape, or check my sidebar for the link.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Anti-Consumerism: Why We Should Act for an Ad-Free Enviorment

I love shopping. Looking at pretty things - it's inspiring. Buying a pretty thing - it's like a dream come-true at that moment. The truth is, I don't shop for much other than groceries, (being a poor student and all...)

So Why am I against it? You ask.

I'm not.

What I am against is the bombardment of commercials every place I go. Actually, I don't have to go anywhere - They'll come to me! On the side of a bus, on my TV, in my newspaper, in my comic book, on my web. My own time is not sacred!

We are a culture of 2-minute fads and the false promises they make. Our Art has become Design. I mean, It's not about the deepest nooks and crannies of your soul, anymore. It's about how much of the product it's attached to can it sell. Literature is not written out of an attempt to say something meaningful. It's about making this month's bestseller list.

Now you're probably yelling out “Not all of it!!” and you're right. But culture is not about a piece of framed paper in the museum. It's about every-day life. We are lucky: We have devoted so much space for art in our life: billboards, magazines, TV, giant screening rooms, the sides of buses! But what do we do with it? We stick milk adds on it, featuring glossy celebrities.

Personally, I'm all for “The right to choose”, but I could try 10 different types of running shoes on my own time – I don't want them shoved in my face.

Which brings me to my second point: Why do we need 10 types of running shoes, anyway?

“Customizing!”You say, and once again- you are soooooooo right. I just love it when a product seems like the guy who designed it had me in mind all along. However, wouldn't it have you perfectly in mind if you made it/assembled it yourself, or had a craftsman (and by that, I mean an artist) make it to your specifications? (economies can work like that)

One last point:
Does this “perfectly customized product” of yours really fit you perfectly? Do your soft-drink, pants or bag deign you to a tee? Or maybe they're just the closest thing you could find on a given market, influenced by passing trends and commerce exchange.

And now a bombarding word from our sponsor:


Check out my sidbar for the link to Adbusters, the people who inspired me.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Want to Make Money Effortlessly?

Of course you do!
So here are 5 easy steps to make some major moola! (please read through, before you click out of here):

1.Click the link.
2.Sign up for an account with ClickBank. (It's free!)
3.Get their referral link html code.
4.Post it on your site.
5.Get a check!!

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Subordinate Slaves Never Looked Better

Is your S&M thriving? Are you ready to take your special relationship public?
I'm very proud to announce my latest print, Whipped, is out!

For Both Bitches & Puppies

Written in a lashing caligraphy, it's a simple statement, that makes sure everybody knows, you know your place.
So buy your slave something nice (it deserves it!), or treat your master to a good groveling (god knows you've been so bad, you're not worthy of licking theire boots).
It's the appropriate outfit, when a collar & leash just aren't possible.

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What Kind of Feminist Are You?

Are you, like me, one of those people that has sturdy opinions, but has no idea what they're called? Check out this great quiz I found, to find out what's the name of your feminism.

Check out my sidebar for the SelectSmart link (under Links I Love) for a world of quizzing.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Feminism: Free to Fuck Anyone Whenever I Want and Free to Be Proud of It!

Hello. My name is Tali and I am a feminist.

Many women feel ashamed to blatantly come out and say it. It's like you're automatically a “dyke” or “bitch”, just because you have pro-women opinions. This I blame on ranting feminists that forgot their cause - women.

Doesn't it strike anyone as strange that women are always fighting for their equality and men just feel they have it?

I believe we should stop fighting for equality, where we already have it, but we should have the confidence to just flaunt it!

I know... Everyday I run into some bad case of a caveman schmuck, but, in my opinion, that kind of ignorance should be ignored, because educating that is a lost cause. If we just assert our equality in a quiet, everyday manor, it'll sink in, in the way of conditioning.

It's already there, you just have to believe it.

The word Feminist has become synonymous with Uptight Conservative, and not without merit. Most of the time, I find myself fending off other women. I find women perpetuating the “slut” prejudice. Unhealthily overweight women attack naturally skinny woman with statements like “real women have curves” (how quickly statements of pride turn into hate?). And of course there's the infamously way overused “men are scum” slogan. What kind of equality excludes 49% of the world's population upfront, and discriminates against people who wear certain outfits, or have certain body-measurements.

Women are becoming a caricature version of themselves, acting in petty, ridiculous manners, such as not letting men help them carry things that are obviously too heavy for them, condemning other women, who have a hot body (some of us work real hard for that!), or trying to “educate” their spouse in a relationship, in order to feel dominance (there are specialized dungeons for that!).

My type of feminism confuses other feminists, because it often comes off as anti-feminist.
Well, let me remind the confused, that feminism means equality, not supremacy of the female sex.

I'm not saying discrimination against women doesn't exist, I've seen it with my own eyes and fought it with my own words. I'm just saying actions speak louder than words. Carry yourself with confidence, and you will be perceived as an equal. Pride and respect are not something you force, they are something you achieve.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet

A lot of people are curious about the
CHEAP THRILLER's name. It actually has to do with this blog's title (which is my unofficial slogan).
It all started as a school project (I'm an Arts major). The
instructions were: "Bring in a readymade/handled readymade. The subject is Provocation."
Now, I just happened to have dealt with this specific subject, last year, so doing it again was kind of annoying. I mean, are these teachers so bored with what they teach, they have to be intentionally provoked? (or is this their way of being naughty?.. hehehe) The thing is, when I get annoyed, I have this behavioral pattern to intelligantly spite. And so I
Mind you, this wondrous, giant suction-cup dildo of-color wasn't just a whim, but a product of deep rumination and exploration of my most profound thoughts on the subject of provocation.
I illuminate:

I came up with a few sketches:

As you can see, most of these ideas are one-time gags - pretty much funny for a second and then you get over it. However, the chosen sketch is a bit more challenging and actually comments on all the others.
Obviously the dildo is the provocation factor (and it undoubtedly works every time!:)). I put no effort in making this dildo (except for choosing the most realistic one in my collection). But the little sign is the real focus in this piece. I made the exaggarated frame myself, and made sure the font is as small as it can be, while still readable. Typographically, I chose a sqarish bold font, in order to make my statement as rock-solid as possible. The idea is, You have to be at nose-length from the tip of the dildo, to actually read the sign. At which point, you already realized you've been had, by the one-time allure of the stick-on dildo, hanging on the wall.
This piece and it's underlying meaning stuck with me. So when the mission of naming my shop came up, it came back to haunt me, seeing as shock value is an inseparable part of my work. It's kind of a kick in my own face, because it undermines my own work, but I guess that's part of what I'm all about.

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