Provocation is a Cheap Thrill

My personal ranting space and shameless self promotion page.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Anti-Consumerism: Why We Should Act for an Ad-Free Enviorment

I love shopping. Looking at pretty things - it's inspiring. Buying a pretty thing - it's like a dream come-true at that moment. The truth is, I don't shop for much other than groceries, (being a poor student and all...)

So Why am I against it? You ask.

I'm not.

What I am against is the bombardment of commercials every place I go. Actually, I don't have to go anywhere - They'll come to me! On the side of a bus, on my TV, in my newspaper, in my comic book, on my web. My own time is not sacred!

We are a culture of 2-minute fads and the false promises they make. Our Art has become Design. I mean, It's not about the deepest nooks and crannies of your soul, anymore. It's about how much of the product it's attached to can it sell. Literature is not written out of an attempt to say something meaningful. It's about making this month's bestseller list.

Now you're probably yelling out “Not all of it!!” and you're right. But culture is not about a piece of framed paper in the museum. It's about every-day life. We are lucky: We have devoted so much space for art in our life: billboards, magazines, TV, giant screening rooms, the sides of buses! But what do we do with it? We stick milk adds on it, featuring glossy celebrities.

Personally, I'm all for “The right to choose”, but I could try 10 different types of running shoes on my own time – I don't want them shoved in my face.

Which brings me to my second point: Why do we need 10 types of running shoes, anyway?

“Customizing!”You say, and once again- you are soooooooo right. I just love it when a product seems like the guy who designed it had me in mind all along. However, wouldn't it have you perfectly in mind if you made it/assembled it yourself, or had a craftsman (and by that, I mean an artist) make it to your specifications? (economies can work like that)

One last point:
Does this “perfectly customized product” of yours really fit you perfectly? Do your soft-drink, pants or bag deign you to a tee? Or maybe they're just the closest thing you could find on a given market, influenced by passing trends and commerce exchange.

And now a bombarding word from our sponsor:


Check out my sidbar for the link to Adbusters, the people who inspired me.

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