Provocation is a Cheap Thrill

My personal ranting space and shameless self promotion page.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Pinch About Me

Other than drawing prints for CHEAP THRILLER, one of my (trillion) hobbies, is designing and making my own clothes. Such as this little precious item:

Snow Queen Cape

And now, as though someone has been reading my mind, I have stumbled upon a clothes blog!
The man reading my mind is Kevin (shown below), a fashionably challenged, yet lovable character.

The site allows you to post your clothes and outfits, and for the style-disabled, you may ask others to help you dress, or assist others-less fortunate than you.
So, if you love your wardrobe and want to show it, click on Kevin or the adorable model in the cape, or check my sidebar for the link.

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