Provocation is a Cheap Thrill

My personal ranting space and shameless self promotion page.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Feminism: Free to Fuck Anyone Whenever I Want and Free to Be Proud of It!

Hello. My name is Tali and I am a feminist.

Many women feel ashamed to blatantly come out and say it. It's like you're automatically a “dyke” or “bitch”, just because you have pro-women opinions. This I blame on ranting feminists that forgot their cause - women.

Doesn't it strike anyone as strange that women are always fighting for their equality and men just feel they have it?

I believe we should stop fighting for equality, where we already have it, but we should have the confidence to just flaunt it!

I know... Everyday I run into some bad case of a caveman schmuck, but, in my opinion, that kind of ignorance should be ignored, because educating that is a lost cause. If we just assert our equality in a quiet, everyday manor, it'll sink in, in the way of conditioning.

It's already there, you just have to believe it.

The word Feminist has become synonymous with Uptight Conservative, and not without merit. Most of the time, I find myself fending off other women. I find women perpetuating the “slut” prejudice. Unhealthily overweight women attack naturally skinny woman with statements like “real women have curves” (how quickly statements of pride turn into hate?). And of course there's the infamously way overused “men are scum” slogan. What kind of equality excludes 49% of the world's population upfront, and discriminates against people who wear certain outfits, or have certain body-measurements.

Women are becoming a caricature version of themselves, acting in petty, ridiculous manners, such as not letting men help them carry things that are obviously too heavy for them, condemning other women, who have a hot body (some of us work real hard for that!), or trying to “educate” their spouse in a relationship, in order to feel dominance (there are specialized dungeons for that!).

My type of feminism confuses other feminists, because it often comes off as anti-feminist.
Well, let me remind the confused, that feminism means equality, not supremacy of the female sex.

I'm not saying discrimination against women doesn't exist, I've seen it with my own eyes and fought it with my own words. I'm just saying actions speak louder than words. Carry yourself with confidence, and you will be perceived as an equal. Pride and respect are not something you force, they are something you achieve.

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